Kim Taesoo
TSO Experience﹕Harmony
2023.12.27 ﹣12.30
*Traning Session with Kim Taesoo﹕2023.12.27 - 12.30 10﹕00 - 20﹕00
Here's an orchestra. Each member has an untuned instrument and looks at a sheet of music with only the notes they're supposed to play. They start playing. Will it be harmonious?
Kim Taesoo's "TSO Experience: Harmony" will be the last show of WWF in 2023. The exhibition is a experiential version of ﹤Transcendence﹥, which was published in August last year and has become a must-read for many people. The book contains his own athletic experiences and his philosophy developed through training various people. At the center of it all is the brain-muscle connection. Instead of separating the mind from the body and moving them separately, he emphasizes the human body, which is activated through a connected and organic association with the brain, which controls the muscles. He says the movement is an intellectual activity and ultimately aims to get off the stereotypes and fears of exercise through refined and efficient movement. This is called "transcendence," and this exhibition talks about "harmony," which is a pre-step for transcendence.
Body's harmony starts with 'tuning'. Just as an instrument that has been neglected for a long time cannot produce accurate notes no matter how much it is played, a neglected body cannot perform accurate movements no matter how hard it tries. Tuning is about creating a clear state of "0(zero)" so that each part of our body can move correctly and accurately. A tuned body is then ready to move in harmony with the other parts.
Train your "Tuning" in a training session organized and participated in by the artist. Examine your body and slowly feel and align your muscles. With your body in harmony, the movements you know will feel very different. We want you to experience a new way of looking at exercise and feel 'transcend'.